Shall we play a game?

Welcome to the Hacker Chess Project! We are looking for volunteers to help clean up the current models.
Thanks to Mr. Glass on Twitter: @MisterGlass We now have bases located here!

Complete Hacker Chess Bases

This is a work in progress please be patient as we make this real!

There are over 200 Hackers located here...

Complete Hacker Chess Pieces

So if you don't see yours below look on there! When I get help with page design. I hope the website can be updated to show everyone!

Hacker Chess 101:

King = Root
Queen = SUDO
Bishop = Priv. Escalation
Knight = Pivot
Rook = Firewall
Pawns = Hackers

Light Side = Blue Team
Dark Side = Red Team

The board and questions are being worked on. This is not regular chess this is..... HACKER CHESS!!!